Saturday, August 20, 2016

An Eating Disorder Survivor Shares What She's Learned

Nicole Cowper, who began struggling with anorexia at a young age, has written an insightful and moving article about her treatment, her setbacks, and the lessons she’s learned from battling her eating disorder.

In her pre-teen years, her anorexia was so severe she had to be hospitalized. While she was in the hospital, she had a heart attack brought on by months of starvation. Even though the event was frightening and potentially fatal, it did not mark the end of her eating disorder.
She writes,
“I would like to say that this was the reality check I needed. It took a lot of work and involved me having to be admitted to an eating disorder recovery facility for nine months. My days revolved around every type of therapy under the sun: horse therapy, art therapy, music, meditation, group, family, and one-on-one. I knew so much about therapy that I was basically the Freud of 13-year-olds I’m now 21 and happy at what I’ve accomplished and who I’ve become.”
She goes on the share five lessons she learned that helped to guide her through the beginning stages of recovery and that continue to guide her today. Her hope is that if you are currently struggling, or know someone who is, her advice might help along the way.
Read more of Nicole’s story at

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How Parents Can Help Prevent Eating Disorders

Eating disorders—from anorexia, bulimia, and orthorexia to binge eating disorder — are extremely complex conditions that are caused by a variety of biological and social factors. A combination of genetics, temperament and personality, traumatic experiences, societal pressures, and environmental factors each play a role to varying degrees for each individual.
Scientists are currently working to better understand the biological or biochemical causes of eating disorders. We understand more about these factors now than we did 20 years ago, but there’s still a long way to go.
There is, however, a bit more certainty when it comes to the psychological, social, and interpersonal factors that often correlate with eating disorders. Study after study has shown that low self-esteem, living in a culture that places extreme value on achieving the “perfect body,” troubled peer and family relationship, and a history of physical or sexual abuse are all strong risk factors for developing an eating disorder.
As a parent, there is very little you can do without advanced medical interventions to influence your child’s genetic make-up or biochemical processes. But, there is a lot you can do to try to mitigate the psychological and emotional risk factors for eating disorders.

Developing Body Positivity from an Early Age

Here are few do’s and don’ts that may help your child develop a healthy attitude about his or her body and prevent the onset of an eating disorder:
Eating Disorders
You Are Not to Blame for Your Child’s Eating Disorder
As a parent, it’s true that you do have a significant amount of influence on your child’s emotional and social development. However, this does not mean that if your child develops an eating disorder, it is all your fault. You can do everything “right” as a parent, and still have a child who struggles. That’s because though you are a strong influence in your child’s life, you are not the only influence. Brain chemistry, messages from the media, peers, and your child’s own personality all play a role.
It’s also important to remember that if your child does have an eating disorder, you are not alone. One of the most beneficial things about Family Week at Remuda Ranch at The Meadows is that family members get to meet other families of patients struggling with ED, and discuss their pain, their similarities, and their differences in safe, open environment. Developing these types of support networks is critical to the healing and recovery of both the patient and his or her entire family.
For more information about how Remuda Ranch at The Meadows can help, call us at 866-390-5100.