Monday, October 17, 2016

For Family Advocate Jerry Law, Freedom is Recovery’s Greatest Gift

The following is a partial transcript of a conversation Dan Griffin had with Jerry Law as part of his Men in Recovery video series. Jerry is an interventionist and the Director of Family, Education, and Leadership Training at The Meadows. Through his role at The Meadows, he works with families of clients who are in treatment to help them understand how they can support their loved one and begin their own process of healing.
DAN: What is the greatest gift recovery has given you toward being the man you always knew you could be?
JERRY: Really, there’s a one-word answer for me, and that’s freedom. The very first time I drank alcohol— not the first time I tasted it—but the first time I really drank it, I was 17 and I had a blackout. It just kind of went downhill from there.
For the next 30 years, I continued to drink off and on. I’d drink more and then less and then a lot more and a little less—until I was drinking daily. I couldn’t not drink.
When I reached that point, I tried everything I could think of to quit. Like the old joke says, “Quitting’s not hard, it’s staying quit.” Everything I tried didn’t work.
Finally, I found the divine paradox of recovery, that victory comes from surrender. When I finally embraced that and began to do what others who were successful in recovery were doing it really set me free. Now I’m free, not only from alcohol, free to live my life. That’s the greatest gift that recovery has given me.
DAN: Freedom has come up multiple times in these interviews with men in recovery. It starts with the freedom from the addiction, and then you realize, “Oh, my God, I can actually do this.” Your freedom then begins to expand and expand. I’m free to be in a relationship as myself. I’m free to be in this world as myself and mean “yes” when I say “yes,” and mean “no” when I say “no” and live authentically in both my professional life and my personal life.
JERRY: That is so true. Like a lot of us, I grew up with some trauma and learned at a really young age how to shut down and close off and be inauthentic and lie really well. In recovery I learned that it’s okay to just be who I am—what a gift!


DAN: That’s what is so wonderful about The Meadows. You get to look deeply at the childhood piece. You get to look at the artifice that you’ve created and the authentic person within. As men, we get to look at the boys that we were and the men we’ve forced ourselves to become in light of The Man Rules. In recovery, there’s the freedom to be the men we really want to be and not be bound by those Man Rules. I’m free to be the man I want to be; I don’t have to be the man everyone else thinks I should be.
JERRY: The societal definition of what a man is, certainly in the United States, is so warped. It’s based on “Boys don’t cry, and “Man up.” Those rules work in some areas of life, but they sure don’t work in relationships.
In school, we had the debate team, where we learned to spar and verbally defend our position. Those are wonderful skills to have in many areas of life, but when we go into relationships and use those skills they just blow up in our faces. What we needed to have in school in addition to a debate team was a resolution team, because in a lot of cases nobody taught us how to resolve differences. So we try to stumble our way through and we make a mess of it. Then we turn to something—mood-altering chemicals or behaviors—to get some relief from the pain we’re in over these unresolved conflicts.
DAN: Stephen Bergman, M.D. says it leads us to be agents of disconnection. We aren’t relearning how to be in relationships in recovery, we’re learning how to be in relationships for the first time. What is so powerful for me is that we’re constantly moving from connection to disconnection to reconnection. It’s the reconnection piece that is so difficult, particularly for men. The more vulnerable the relationship, the more difficult it is to repair.
JERRY: Absolutely. And the more fear, the more anxiety I have about connecting the more I’m unable to have trust.
DAN: I talk about this in my book A Man’s Way Through Relationships. When we move into vulnerability and intimacy, sometimes we’re not prepared. A lot of men are constantly walking around the landscape of each other’s lives not knowing where the landmines are and never knowing when we’re going to step on a landmine that blows up the relationship. I’ve seen this happen with so many men, where they have a close, vulnerable, connected relationship until one disconnection happens and one person just says “I’m done.”
JERRY: Well, we tell ourselves that if this is what a relationship is, if it’s going to have this kind of pain, count me out. I just won’t do it. I’ll be a mile wide and an inch deep with everyone. But, pain is just a part of a relationship. It just comes with it.
DAN: But, it’s sad. It’s sad that that’s what we’ve done to men. We kind of stand outside and judge men’s inability to connect. I always say to people, if you’re one of those couples that don't fight, that scares me. It’s the ability to withstand the disconnection and the conflict and come back and compromise. I’ve found that in my marriage and in my closest relationships, that’s everything.

Work and Leadership

JERRY: I love what C.S. Lewis said: “Pain is God’s megaphone.” He didn’t say it’s his club, he said it’s his megaphone. Sometimes we’ve got to have that pain to recognize that something is wrong and the ask ourselves what we’re going to do about it.
DAN: Unfortunately, so many men are socialized to think that the problem is someone else…
JERRY: Particularly when we’re talking about men in the workplace. Men are typically in a workplace environment 8 to 10 hours a day. Workplace culture often promotes disconnection. it promotes being one up, and it promotes power-driven relationships. Then, we leave this environment and walk through the door at home at the end of the day only to find that our dogs have more authority than we do. Everyone at home—our spouse and our kids, they want to be in more connected relationships.
When men are at work, it’s all about power, all day long. Taking off that hat and putting on the spouse/ parent hat is difficult, and we often just don’t know how to do it.
DAN: That is so true. It’s really about how do we teach men how to be congruent in their business and personal lives. One doesn’t have to be that different from the other. Men can be vulnerable and share power at work, but can also translate some of his leadership skills from the business world to his life at home. We can all be more thoughtful about how we connect and how we work together.
JERRY: You’re right, Dan, It really is about congruence, because there are business skills that translate into home life successfully, and there are relationship skills from home life that translate into the business world successfully. You just have to learn with whom you can be vulnerable because not everyone is safe.
That’s what is so great about recovery. When you’re active in a recovery community you get the opportunity to learn how to be vulnerable around other people, and then transfer these skills into home life and work life and the community at large.

Families of Addicts

DAN: That is so true. The recovery community really shifts how men are allowed to show up. We do get to practice vulnerability and make mistakes and go through all of the pains of relationships.
The work you’re doing with families is so important because no person with an addiction lives in a vacuum, so I think it’s absolutely wonderful.
JERRY: We still live in this society that wants to brand addiction in strictly moral terms. But, it’s not about being bad, wrong, and stupid; it’s about being ill and doing things that may be bad, wrong or stupid. When families get their heads around that idea—“Oh, you mean my loved one isn’t just an awful person? Oh, okay here are some ways I can understand what’s been going on…”—then families get to experience the freedom of recovery as well.
DAN: And then, of course, they get the opportunity to look within which may or may not feel like an opportunity. But, it certainly helps to facilitate healing. Freedom is such a wonderful gift—in our personal lives, in our relationships and in the work that we do. It allows us to live our mission and to have a purpose.
Thanks for taking the time today, Jerry. I always like to let my guests have the last word, so take us home…
JERRY: I always tell families to educate themselves on addiction For me, freedom came from an getting education about the disease of addiction and what it really is. So, I say to families, if you’ve got someone who’s struggling, get help, and reach out. There’s so much help available. In some ways, our anonymity in the recovery world is our own worst enemy because there’s so much help available but many people just don’t know about it. So to men who need help: reach out. And to families who need help: reach out because it’s available.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dallas and Houston Screenings of ‘The Student Body’

We’re proud to sponsor two upcoming screenings of The Student Body, a 2016 documentary that features the story of two brave high school girls who take a stand against bullying and explore the complex and controversial truths behind the childhood obesity epidemic. The film won the Independent Spirit Award at the Sedona International Film Festival.
The first screening will take place in Dallas on Nov. 1. The second will be held in Houston on Nov. 2. Tickets are free, but you do need to register.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dr. Vicki Berkus Named Remuda Ranch at The Meadows Senior Fellow

We are pleased to announce that Vicki Berkus, MD, Ph.D., CEDS, has been named a Senior Fellow for Remuda Ranch at The Meadows. She will be instrumental in assisting Remuda Ranch’s efforts to maintain it’s treatment programs at the cutting-edge of eating disorder care. Dr. Berkus will also share her knowledge and expertise with patients and provide training for the therapeutic staff.
In her previous role as Medical Services Advisor at Remuda Ranch, Dr. Berkus served as a consultant, speaker, and general advocate for continued excellence in the treatment of eating disorders. Dr. Berkus specializes in adolescent and adult psychiatry, eating disorders full spectrum, and sports psychiatry. She has served as president of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp), holds eating disorders certification (CEDS) through iaedp and is a current board member and head of the iaedp education committee.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Fear(less) bites back

Jumping out of a plane with a complete stranger on my back. Going bungee jumping. Convincing my family to go on crazy thrill rides with me. No fear of anything ever happening to me. I was invincible. Had someone asked me what being fearless meant years ago, even months ago, this most likely would have been my response.
That is until that January morning I sat on my couch and cried. I wasn’t invincible at all. I was slowly killing myself, and suddenly, that girl who was so ‘fearless’ was now fearing for her life.
After two months of treatment I realized that being fearless isn’t about any of the above stated items.
Being fearless means waking up every day and living life. Every time that I choose to eat a meal or a snack that aligns with my meal plan. Challenging myself and eating ice cream because I want to. Realizing that even though I relapsed months into recovery, I had the choice to get back on track. Being open and honest with my husband, support team and my treatment team, and letting them be open and honest with me (even if I didn’t want to hear it). Going shopping and buying clothes that fit my new body. Crying, and crying hard when I need to, not worrying about who sees me. Sharing my story with others in hopes that maybe I have impacted at least one person. Voicing my opinion and setting boundaries when I feel triggered or uncomfortable in a situation. Being my authentic self, eating what I want to eat, wearing what I want to wear and acting goofy without fear of judgement. Even when things seem bad, knowing that I am loved, I do enough and I am enough.
That is what fearless means to me.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Going Back to College with an Eating Disorder

Being in recovery from eating disorder can be a scary and isolating experience. Hannah Grice struggles with anorexia and just started her first week of college. She describes what the experience was like, and how she is staying on track with her recovery at
“As a freshman, I found myself pondering the typical dilemmas of a college student. What if I gain the “freshman 15”? How am I going to keep all of my classes straight? Can I have a social life and an extra-curricular filled schedule all while maintaining my GPA?
But, I also found myself pondering the typical dilemmas of an individual with anorexia. What if I relapse again? How am I going to keep myself ‘sane’? Can I maintain recovery? These are the “intrusive thoughts” they talked about in treatment.”
Recovery from anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, or binge eating disorder requires correcting and recalibrating your perception of your body, your food, your emotions, and the world. Only so much can be accomplished during eating disorder treatment. Maintaining recovery in an ever-changing world requires a lifelong ongoing process of adaptation and growth.

Life Beyond Your Eating Disorder Workshop

If you are stable in recovery and are ready for the next stage, The Life Beyond Your Eating Disorder Workshop is for you. It was developed by Remuda Ranch at The Meadows Senior Fellow Jessica Setnick, MS, RD, CEDRD, and will help you to identify the areas of your life that are still impacted by your past eating issues and negative body image. This workshop will encourage you to use all of your senses, learned skills, and innate talents to thrive in your life without ED. For more information call 800-244-4949 or contact us online.