There often comes a point in a woman’s journey through eating disorder recovery, when she begins to see her body in a different light. Instead of hating it for its “flaws” and trying to punish it into perfection, she begins to appreciate it for all of the things it can do and all of the places it carries her.
This kind of radical self-acceptance can be hard to come by. The media and the culture surrounding us are continually blasting us with images of which types of bodies are acceptable and valued and which are not. Being able to set all of that aside and love what you see in the mirror every day requires courage, self-determination, and sense of one’s higher purpose in life.
That’s what makes stories of people reaching these revelations so inspiring. We want to give you a chance to share your story of learning to celebrate the beauty of your own unique body and soul.
Was there a major turning point in your eating disorder recovery where you finally accepted and appreciated your body? At what point did it happen, and what led you there? In what ways did it change your life?
Send a 500- 1000 word essay to asauceda@themeadows.org. The first ten essays to be chosen for The Remuda Ranch at The Meadows blog will receive a free Remuda Ranch blanket as a special gift!
Submit your essay by Jan. 15, 2017. We look forward to reading your incredible stories!
Content SourceThat’s what makes stories of people reaching these revelations so inspiring. We want to give you a chance to share your story of learning to celebrate the beauty of your own unique body and soul.
Was there a major turning point in your eating disorder recovery where you finally accepted and appreciated your body? At what point did it happen, and what led you there? In what ways did it change your life?
Send a 500- 1000 word essay to asauceda@themeadows.org. The first ten essays to be chosen for The Remuda Ranch at The Meadows blog will receive a free Remuda Ranch blanket as a special gift!
Submit your essay by Jan. 15, 2017. We look forward to reading your incredible stories!