The cutting-edge devices used in the Brain Center support women in
getting more in tune with how they feel and how they react to thoughts,
emotions, and bodily sensations. Not only are patients thoroughly
enjoying the serene, beautiful, and peaceful setting, they are also
sensing positive changes in mood, energy, clarity, and sleep.
Clinical Implications of The Brain Center
On average, Remuda Ranch patients come into The Brain Center for a
one-hour session several times a week; however, many patients request
more time! The great thing about Remuda’s Brain Center setting is that
we are able to readily and easily accommodate this. A patient’s duration
and frequency of sessions in The Brain Center can truly be
custom-tailored to help patients reach their desired outcomes.
The Art of the Start
Prior to entering The Brain Center, patients are invited to pause and
intentionally shift their attention outward, orienting and connecting
to the 360-degree view through their sensate experience. They are then
guided to turn their attention inward to their bodily and felt sense
To engage their curiosity, we often begin by using Smovey Rings, a
favorite of trauma expert and Meadows’ Senior Fellow Dr. Peter Levine.
These handheld rings with weighted ball bearings support patients in
sensing their internal rhythm. Through this exercise, we teach patients
to begin to befriend their internal experience. The gentle movement
allows for more energy flow in the system, where oftentimes it may be
stuck or frozen.
The Smovey Rings also provide proprioceptive or sensory input into
the joints, arms, and shoulders furthering support of autonomous nervous
system regulation. This type of input lets the body know where it is in
time and space, which is grounding and quieting for an overly activated
person. This slow, mindful movement serves as a cue to the individual’s
nervous system that down regulation is the intention as they prepare to
spend their next hour in The Brain Center. The emphasis for their Brain
Center session is on curiosity, engagement, and intention.
Bringing it All Together
Before a patient begins her session we ask her how she is feeling and
make a note of it. We then ask them again what they are feeling as they
leave one hour later.
If they say that they feel calmer, less anxious, or “better,” we
support them through identifying how they know they feel better. How
does their body tell them that they are “better?” How does “better” or
“calmer” register physiologically? Helping each patient differentiate
between various shifts in her mental and physical state supports her
awareness of her body, which oftentimes as an eating disorder patient,
is a part of herself she has previously disowned.
What patients often notice is that they feel quieter inside, which
then provides their nervous system with an alternative experience fight
or flight and gives it another point of reference for the next time the
patient becomes activated, stressed or anxious. This is how resiliency
and emotional regulation slowly begin to develop.
Key Benefits to Patients from The Brain Center
Most eating disorder patients are low in Alpha brainwave activity.
This is the brainwave that anchors the brain and acts as its gearshift.
Without enough, individuals are prone to anxiety, depression, and an
inability to experience calm and relaxation. Alpha brainwave activity
allows for a calm and relaxed, yet alert state, also known as presence.
The brain actually craves Alpha.
Because alpha deficit is one of the hallmark brain markers for all
types of eating disorders, the devices in The Brain Center—CES, The
Muse, HRV, NFB, Chi Machine—provide multi-level brain interventions all
geared to increase the prevalence of Alpha brainwave activity and
trigger the natural relaxation response, which has been scientifically
shown to reduce symptoms associated with stress, depression, and
Additional benefits to patients include…
- More organized and coherent breathing pattern
- Greater ability to emotionally regulate
- Greater ability to respond to stress
- Improved cognitive functioning
- Decreased Cortisol (stress hormone) levels
- Increased levels of Serotonin, Dopamine, DHEA, and endorphins
- Increased stabilization of neuro-hormonal system
- Stronger mind/body connection through Biofeedback and Neurofeedback
- Increased self-awareness
- Mastery over physiology and internal reactions
- Ability to gain conscious control over otherwise unconscious processes (e.g. breathing)
- Greater brain’s capacity for change
- Decreased amygdala activity
- Increased resilience
- Positive impacts to brain structure, efficiency, and function
- Increased digestive support and immune function
- Stronger internal organ function
Another salient aspect to mention is that patients engage with the
devices in The Brain Center while under a weighted blanket, which has a
significant grounding effect. The weight of the blanket provides the
nervous system with proprioceptive sensory input, which signals to the
body, “This is where you are in time and space.” This is especially
beneficial for Eating Disorder patients because they are often extremely
disconnected from their bodies.
Remuda Ranch Patients Love The Brain Center
Since Remuda Ranch has opened its own Brain Center and integrated it
into its programming, patients have reported noticing positive shifts in
mood, energy, clarity, and sleep.
One patient reported, “When I first arrived [at the Brain Center] my
anxiety was very high because we had just finished snack time.” After
spending some time on the Chi Machine, she said, “I was able to hear and
feel my body digesting, which decreased my anxiety a lot”. The Chi
Machine supports the body in oscillatory movements designed to support
digestion, stimulate blood flow and balance the two branches of the
nervous system. This experience invites the patient to connect to her
internal process and to also begin to trust that her body will support
Patients also often report that they are…
“Sleeping through the night for the first time in a very long time!”
“Less anxious, more relaxed, calm, decreased anxiety, more perk, less obsessive thoughts.”
Adding The Brain Center’s cutting-edge approach to the Remuda Ranch
treatment program addresses the neuroscience of eating disorders by
helping to better regulate the subconscious, limbic system in the brain.
The increased sense of presence, embodiment, and awareness along with
more organized brainwave activity and a quieter nervous system all
support the women and girls to more effectively receive and integrate
all other aspects of the Remuda Ranch treatment program into their
The Brain Center is the brainchild of the Meadows team of Senior
Fellows, who are some of the industry’s most respected experts on
emotional trauma, addiction, eating disorders, and behavioral health
treatment. When you attend any of The Meadows programs, you can rest
assured that you are getting a personalized treatment planned based on
the latest scientific research and proven best practices that help
patients enter into lifelong recovery.
For more information, call today at 866-330-1925, or
send a message through our website.
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