Showing posts with label Teen Bulimia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teen Bulimia. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Reality! Who needs it?

Individuals in recovery have generally spent a lot of time avoiding their painful, shameful or fearful reality. Using chemicals, relationships, busyness, spending, eating, not eating, fantasy, gambling, sex, etc. to escape reality.
What is your reality anyway?
As a baby, your brain was in a receptive mode and you downloaded and duplicated everything around you. As you grew up, you kept imprinting within you, all of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and things that happened and you became you.
From Pia Mellody’s Model of Developmental Immaturity, we learn that this programming creates a belief system. You interpret everything that you perceive through your own belief system, particularly as you interact with others. That’s why people frequently disagree about a shared experience. For example, let’s say that Jason had a disagreement with his sister while they were at a social event and shared about it with several friends. Sara identifies with Jason’s sister, feels empathy, and defends her. Jennifer is reminded of being embarrassed by her mother in public and feels pain and shame. Mark feels annoyed about the very topic of conversation and thinks about something else. Everyone has his or her own reality.
In emotional recovery work, it is extremely helpful to understand your reality and how to work with it. First, your reality is your experience in the present moment and includes your body, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Think of a recent time when you felt reactive in an interaction with someone and experienced some strong feelings come up. Now, breathe, take a moment, and fully experience the sensations in your body. Those sensations inform you about your feelings. Identify what the feelings are. Is it pain, hurt or sadness, or is it fear or anger? If you are not used to identifying your feelings, it can take some practice. Truthfully, your feelings are generated by the thought you had. When you are reactive, it’s hard to think straight and it can take some time to identify what the actual thought was, or where in your history it originated.
The most helpful way to think about this is with curiosity and owning it rather than judging yourself or blaming someone else. You are in a disempowered victim mode when you blame someone else for your reaction and that keeps you stuck. When you own that your reaction came from your own programming, then you are empowered to understand yourself better and can change.
So how do we do that? How do we change our reactivity, our thoughts, and feelings, and why go through the trouble? 
Scott Peck wrote, “Mental health is staying in REALITY at all costs.” You’ve had those experiences when you are fully present, connected with yourself, aware of your senses, and feeling alive. Joy, passion, love, and the sense of connection with yourself are present moment experiences. You miss out on life when you are not present. Everyone checks/spaces-out at times; it is the human condition. However, the more present you are, the happier and healthier you will be.
Here are the steps to working with your reality when you are triggered or become reactive:
  • Take slow deep breaths and be curious about what you are experiencing and why it is coming up.
  • Notice and describe to yourself the sensations you are feeling in your body and identify the emotional feeling word or words that fit. (Hurt, fear, anger, irritation, shame, guilt, for example.)
  • Stay present and curious about the feelings or issues that are underneath the surface feelings. It could be abandonment, feeling threatened or unsafe, used or manipulated, blamed, shame, guilt, or a memory of an incident from your past. You could discuss this with a therapist.
  • When appropriate, you can own your own experience in the present moment and share it with that person you were reactive to by using your talking boundary. For example, in the previous story, Jennifer becomes very quiet and moody. She might share with Jason, “When I heard you say that your sister made a scene at the family dinner, what came up for me was a time when my mother was embarrassingly loud and rude in public and I’m feeling some shame and pain.” In sharing her reality in this manner, Jennifer’s friends will understand her better and she will likely have a sense of relief from the pain and shame.
Only do this when you feel like a functional adult. Listen to the other person’s reality. Be open to getting to know them and to learn about yourself.
Practicing this will likely bring insight as to how the programming in your brain hijacked the situation and gave you a distorted reality. That insight creates a new reality, even a new neuropathway in your brain. This practice begins to create a new, healthier, happier reality, which makes it easier for you to be present. So who needs reality? We all do.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Anorexia Treatment

Anorexia is a complex eating disorder with 3 main features:
  1. Refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
  2. An intense fear of gaining weight
  3. A distorted body image
Anorexia brings Depression, Emotional Trauma, Loneliness, Insecurity, Pressure to be perfect, etc. with it. Due to Anorexia, highest deaths have been recorded as compared to any other illness. Research suggests that about 1 percent of female adolescents have anorexia. Anorexia starts during or around the time of puberty and that is called TeenAnorexia
Anorexia in Teens is fatal as it could cause premature death. Young women with anorexia are 12 times more likely to die than are other women the same age that doesn’t have anorexia.
There are two types of anorexia:
  • Restricting Type - weight loss is achieved by restricting calories
  • Purging Type - weight loss is achieved by vomiting or using laxatives and diuretics.
Being healthy and being anorexic are two different things and that is explained at Remuda Ranch. Remuda Ranch is Teen Eating Disorder Treatment center that has treated anorexia and disorders for more than 25years. Thus, here we have professionals and experts that schedule whole therapy and workshop schedule which could help retain therapy for life.
Remuda Ranch has psychiatric and primary care provider, dietician, a licensed, a therapist, a psychologist and registered nurses. Every patient here is taken care at Remuda Ranch personally without defining time limit.
Remuda Ranch is Anorexia inpatient treatment Centre that is the solution for any kind of Teen Eating Disorders

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to overcome eating disorder? Learn with Remuda Ranch

Anorexia is also known as anti - obesity. It is very common prevailing symptom in the women who aren’t confident about their body. It has many misconceptions related to it, which people have no awareness about. Anorexia is a complex eating disorder with 3 symptoms:
  1. Refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
  2. An intense fear of gaining weight
  3. A distorted body image
Anorexia brings Depression, Emotional Trauma, Loneliness, etc. with it. There are mainly 2 types of anorexia:
  • Restricting Type - weight loss is achieved by restricting calories (following drastic diets, fasting, and exercising to excess).
  • Purging Type - weight loss is achieved by vomiting or using laxatives and diuretics.
Teen anorexia is very common because they have constant pressure to look good, have slim figure and to be beautiful. Being healthy and being anorexic are two different things and that is explained at Remuda Ranch.
Similarly, Bulimia eating disorder is also an eating disorder mainly seen in teenage girls. Teen Bulimia is common in teens as well as children. Due to life, continuously revolving around food, it becomes center of every activity, be it thinking or writing or reading. It could over power work, academics and other activities which could be harmful in long run.
Come to Remuda Ranch where healing is easy and fun. We have been treating all kinds of eating disorders for 25+ years. Thus, here we have professionals and experts that schedule whole therapy and workshop schedule which could help retain therapy for life so win all kinds of eating disorder with Remuda Ranch and look into the eyes of food straight with a smile. Every patient here is taken care at Remuda Ranch personally without defining time limit.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

3 important questions regarding Bulimia that are answered by Remuda Ranch

Bulimia treatmentWhat is Bulimia?

Bulimia is characterized by enormous food consumption, followed by self-induced vomiting. This is often accompanied by laxative abuse. Bulimia should not be ignored considering minor because on a long run it could give permanent damage to the body. Many times, in order to reduce weight or to be slim, self-induced vomit is done. It is harmful because that could affect Esophagus, Stomach, Intestine, Lungs, Kidney, Heart, Skin and Teeth. These may prove hard on the human body. A person with this disorder may binge and subsequently purge, between 20 and 30 times a day because the human body is not designed to take in such a huge amount of food at one time.

Unlike an anorexic, who is proud of her strength and appearance, a girl or woman with bulimia suffers a tremendous amount of shame and guilt, which results in low confidence. Even she knows that consuming thousands of calories, then purging, is useless.

What are the Symptoms and complications of Bulimia?

Following are the symptoms of Bulimia:

  • constant fear of gaining weight

  • uncontrollable eating behavior

  • eating food at the point of uneasiness

  • forcing vomit or exercise / workout

  • Abusing laxatives, diuretics or enemas post-eating

  • Constant use of dietary supplement

  • Preoccupied with body weight at the cost of daily routine

Following are the complications of Bulimia:

  • Injury to the Esophagus

  • Injury to the Intestines

  • Lung Damage

  • Injury to the Stomach

  • Severe Kidney and Heart Complications

  • Injury to the Skin and Teeth

How is it cured?

If you find these symptoms, do not try to cure Bulimia by yourself. It could prove fatal for your health. Recovery from a Bulimia disorder is easily possible. It's happening every day at Remuda Ranch at The Meadows. So, Come to Remuda Ranch for Bulimia treatment and have life lasting freedom from Bulimia.

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