Showing posts with label Bulimia Treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bulimia Treatment. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Healing Through Experiential Therapies

Expressive Arts Therapy and Recreation Therapy are integral elements of the eating disorder treatment program at Remuda Ranch at The Meadows. Each of these therapies provides patients with an opportunity to express themselves through a variety of modalities which enable them to explore and discover existing and new thoughts, feelings, emotions, and somatic experiences. Through non-verbal representation, patients are encouraged to delve into the topic area at a level they are comfortable with.


By providing a relaxed and non-judgmental environment, even individuals who are unfamiliar with an art room and proclaim to have no artistic talent, soon find themselves engrossed in the activities outside of a traditional therapy session. Experimenting with themes, ideas, and materials, patients are better able to express their emotions and feelings that so often surround very difficult issues they need to address in treatment.

The Expressive Arts Therapy program at Remuda Ranch includes themes related to eating disorders designed to help patients confront and express their thoughts in a manner and depth that is most comfortable for them. Activities that focus on issues such as body image, childhood influences, inner child, timelines, problem-solving skills, generational messages about the body, and spiritual connections are just some of the topics covered in our curriculum.


Recreation Therapy helps patients realize that they can have fun without the intensity of activities often identified as a major component of a patient’s eating disorder. Reducing the intensity of movement is instrumental in a recovery-focused treatment program. Activities such as volleyball, badminton, board games, gentle stretching, and therapeutic walks teach patients team building and relational skills that aid in reducing their eating disorder behaviors and also provide an enjoyable outlet for movement and play.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

3 important questions regarding Bulimia that are answered by Remuda Ranch

Bulimia treatmentWhat is Bulimia?

Bulimia is characterized by enormous food consumption, followed by self-induced vomiting. This is often accompanied by laxative abuse. Bulimia should not be ignored considering minor because on a long run it could give permanent damage to the body. Many times, in order to reduce weight or to be slim, self-induced vomit is done. It is harmful because that could affect Esophagus, Stomach, Intestine, Lungs, Kidney, Heart, Skin and Teeth. These may prove hard on the human body. A person with this disorder may binge and subsequently purge, between 20 and 30 times a day because the human body is not designed to take in such a huge amount of food at one time.

Unlike an anorexic, who is proud of her strength and appearance, a girl or woman with bulimia suffers a tremendous amount of shame and guilt, which results in low confidence. Even she knows that consuming thousands of calories, then purging, is useless.

What are the Symptoms and complications of Bulimia?

Following are the symptoms of Bulimia:

  • constant fear of gaining weight

  • uncontrollable eating behavior

  • eating food at the point of uneasiness

  • forcing vomit or exercise / workout

  • Abusing laxatives, diuretics or enemas post-eating

  • Constant use of dietary supplement

  • Preoccupied with body weight at the cost of daily routine

Following are the complications of Bulimia:

  • Injury to the Esophagus

  • Injury to the Intestines

  • Lung Damage

  • Injury to the Stomach

  • Severe Kidney and Heart Complications

  • Injury to the Skin and Teeth

How is it cured?

If you find these symptoms, do not try to cure Bulimia by yourself. It could prove fatal for your health. Recovery from a Bulimia disorder is easily possible. It's happening every day at Remuda Ranch at The Meadows. So, Come to Remuda Ranch for Bulimia treatment and have life lasting freedom from Bulimia.

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